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Poster Presentations
@unpublished{SoltGotzner2012, author = {Solt, Stephanie and Gotzner, Nicole}, note = {SALT 22, University of Chicago}, title = {Experimenting with Degree}, year = {2012} }
@unpublished{AloniEtAl2012a, author = {Aloni, Maria and van Cranenburgh, Andreas and Fernandez, Raquel and Sznajder, Marta}, note = {LREC 2012}, title = {Building a Corpus of Indefinite uses Annotate with fine-grained Semantic Functions}, year = {2012} }
@unpublished{Port2011, author = {Port, Angelika}, note = {WS Indefinites in diachronic and comparative perspective, 44th SLE, 8 September 2011.}, title = {German *irgendein* - contrastive and diachronic}, year = {2011} }
@unpublished{AguilarEtAl2011a, author = {Guevara, Ana Aguilar and Aloni, Maria and Port, Angelika and Simik, Radek and de Vos, Machteld and Zeijlstra, Hedde}, note = {Beyond Semantics - Corpus-based investigations of pragmatic and discourse phenomena (DGfS). Goettingen}, title = {Semantics and pragmatics of indefinites: methodology for a synchronic and diachronic corpus study}, year = {2011} }
@unpublished{AguilarEtAl2011b, author = {Guevara, Ana Aguilar and Aloni, Maria and Simik, Radek and de Vos, Machteld and Zeijlstra, Hedde}, note = {WS Indefinites in diachronic and comparative perspective, 44th SLE}, title = {Emerging indefinites}, year = {2011} }
@unpublished{AloniPort2010a, author = {Aloni, Maria and Port, Angelika}, note = {NELS, Philadelphia}, title = {Epistemic indefinites crosslinguistically}, year = {2010} }
@unpublished{AguilarEtAl2010, author = {Guevara, Ana Aguilar and Aloni, Maria and Port, Angelika and Schulz, Katrin and Simik, Radek}, note = {Workshop on Indefiniteness Crosslinguistically (DGfS) Berlin}, title = {Free choice items as fossils}, year = {2010} }
@inproceedings{AloniEtAl2012, author = {Aloni, Maria and van Cranenburgh, Andreas and Fernandez, Raquel and Sznajder, Marta}, title = {Building a Corpus of Indefinite Uses Annotated with Fine-grained Semantic Functions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)}, year = {2012}, publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)} }
@unpublished{AloniCiardelli2011, author = {Aloni, Maria and Ciardelli, Ivano}, note = {Manuscript, University of Amsterdam}, title = {A semantics for imperatives}, year = {2011} }